Sunday, April 21, 2013

Obsessed: Coconut Oil

I've mentioned that my biggest obsessions are beauty, nutrition, and natural skincare. Believe it or not, there is one amazing product that fits into all three of these categories: coconut oil!

What is it?

Coconut oil is (wait for it)... the oil derived from a coconut. Perhaps that was obvious, but what isn't so obvious is that there are different kinds of coconut oil. For best results I recommend food grade, organic extra virgin coconut oil that has been cold-pressed. This is best because it means that you're using an oil that is free of harmful additives and is pure enough to use externally or internally (beauty from the inside out). Avoid hydrogenated/partially hydrogenated oils, because they're full of nasty trans-fats that will do nothing beneficial for your body or your beauty!

How do I use it?

This is the best thing about coconut oil... it has SO many uses! At cooler temperatures the oil solidifies, so you may need to warm it up in your hands before using it. Here are my favorites ways to use it:

1) Coconut oil is great as a makeup remover, especially on stubborn eye makeup. It's also incredibly gentle and hydrating, so your skin and lashes will thank you! I spread a bit all over my face, focusing on my eyes, and let it sit for a minute. Use a warm wash cloth to wipe it off gently. It always amazes me how easily it dissolves my heavy eyeliner and mascara.

2) It's great for hydrating your skin. Applied topically, coconut oil is great as a moisturizer. Contrary to popular belief, oil can be helpful even for oily or acne-prone skin. Coconut oil is non comedogenic (it won't clog pores) and I've never broken out from it. It will make you look greasy though, so I usually apply it before I go to bed so it can soak in over night. When consumed as a healthy fat (see #4), coconut oil can also improve your skin from the inside out!

3) More than just a skin treatment, coconut oil can be used to hydrate your hair. It is a bit heavy so you probably want to use it when you're sitting around the house. I comb a generous dollop through my hair (focus on the ends, which tend to be drier than your roots), slick it back into a bun, and let it sit for an hour. I leave my hair in the bun while I take a shower (the steam helps the hair follicle absorb the oil) then shampoo and condition at the end. Your hair will be super shiny and soft!

4) Coconut oil is my number one choice for cooking. It has a decent smoke point (up to 350 degrees Fahrenheit), which means it is stable enough to maintain its molecular structure under high heat cooking. It is one of the healthiest oils due to its unique chemical makeup as a saturated fat full of lauric acid (which has antibacterial, antioxidant, and antiviral properties). Confused? In essence, natural and unrefined fats are among the most nutritious foods you can consume and coconut oil is renowned for containing a special kind of fat known as medium chain triglycerides. Not consuming enough healthy fats in your diet can make your skin look dry and dull. I will write more about this in a nutrition post but for now, suffice to say that coconut oil is healthy and delicious! I love it for scrambling eggs.

Those are my favorite four uses for coconut oil, but there are so many more! Not convinced yet? This cool article has 333 uses for coconut oil!

Where can I get it?
There are lots of great brands out there (remember to get it organic, cold-pressed, extra virgin) but the one I usually purchase is Nutiva brand. I like it because not only does it taste delicious and comes in an opaque container so that the oil isn't exposed to light, but also because 1% of the profit is donated to sustainable agriculture (good for you and the planet). I get a generous 15 fluid ounces (a little bit goes a long way) for around $10 on, also known as the most addictive website ever. Seriously, I'm addicted. Check it out at your own peril. Don't say I didn't warn you! If you're ordering from for the first time, enter code GMC892 at checkout to save $10 on orders over $40 or $5 on orders under $40.

Love coconut oil? Hate it? Found other interesting uses for it? Have a question? Feel free to leave a comment! xoxo Rosie

(Image source:

Welcome to my blog!

Hi there! Let me introduce myself. My name is Rosie and I'm 24 years old. I was born and raised in the United States and lived in my hometown until about a year ago. I have always been a bit of a beauty junkie and had settled into a comfortable (ahem, boring) routine with my trusty arsenal of tried and true products. But when I caught the travel bug last year and made the huge transition to move to South Korea, I had to face some big questions: 

If I can only pack two suitcases for my big move, is it socially acceptable to fill the first with shampoo, deodorant, foundation and mascara? (For the record, no... that would not have been socially acceptable.) 

2. How could I possibly survive a year without access to a Sephora?! (I am still figuring this one out.) 

3. Will Korean products be any good? (More on this later...)

And most importantly,
4. Do they sell my favorite products in Korean stores?

Unfortunately, the answer to question #4 was "rarely". 
So what did I do? I had a ton of fun trying out new stuff! Some of my blog posts will center around my interesting experiments with Korean products, while others will review my favorite American products.

But wait, the top of my blog says that I'm writing about "beauty, from the inside out." What does that mean? Beauty products are my weakness
, but my other great obsession is holistic health (including nutrition and natural skincare)! Lots of my blog posts will address these topics so that you can be beautiful from, you guessed it, the inside out. (Disclaimer: I am not a licensed professional. I did not study holistic healthcare, nutrition, dermatology, etc. I am simply writing about my own personal experiences and opinions.) 

So now that I've introduced myself to you, please feel free to introduce yourself   in the comment section. I'd love to hear about your experiences or feel free to ask me any questions. I hope you will find my blog both interesting and useful!

xoxo Rosie